Good morning and hope everyone’s week is off to a great start!  I am happy to see more of you posting and introducing yourself in the forum. Please, don’ be shy… this is a great tool for each and everyone of us to use to communicate, get to know, motivate and inspire like minded individuals.  It is hard to find people who understand the passion and enthusiasm we all have for health and fitness.  Here we are, all of us have come together in this journey and have found the like minded individuals.  I believe you are what you attract.  This hold true for my members section.  All the members I have been have to get to know have been so similar to me, my ways of thinking and our personalities/goals have just meshed.  It is a beautiful thing and it validates the “like attract like” theory!  With this being said, we are in this together and when we all come together and help each other, it is amazing what we can accomplish.  Thank you for being a part of my journey and a part of OUR journey together!
I am off to start my day outdoors with a walk then to the gym for shoulders and a mile run.  Then clients and back home for online business.
Meal one — 1 pro dessert -made into a shake with 1/3 c. oatmeal and coffee with stevia
next meals to be determined…
My apologies for those that had any issues with the videos.  I am using a new uploading system so it has taken me a while to learn ALL the settings and codes so bare with me as I get the uploads perfect every time!  I have a balsamic vinaigrette recipe and video.  Video to be posted CORRECTLY today.  I will also be videoing my cottage cheese, apple salad later today!  Enjoy, post comments and try them out!
Have a fabulous Tuesday! 🙂