wow, November 1st! Can you believe it?! How time flies. So we all got an extra hour of sleep last night and boy could I have used it. I have been so tired lately. At night I literally can not keep my eyes open. I have all the energy in the world, get so much done and then after about 5ish, I start to go down. After dinner, I am really not very productive. I am just NOT a night person. I love my mornings and get SO much done during that time. By 1 or 2, I have put in my FULL time day but because my mind never stops and it is hard for me to call it a day, I keep going. It is starting to catch up to me and I am beat come nighttime. I am really trying to take a nape and make it essential. I tell myself to and do 1/2 the time but because my mind is always going, it is hard. When I do force myself, I am out for a good hour and feel so much better. This is something I am really working on. Naps are SO important and part of any busy schedule, especially our schedules that are filled with working out, being active and following a fitness program. Naps ARE part of the program and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Your body needs them to recover, reset your self (mentally and physically!) and most of all to get in the right amount of sleep you need, since most of us are up so early! With the time change, I am going to be hitting the pillow that much earlier, I am sure! Did everyone remember to set back your clocks? With technology, these days, we are lucky that most carriers and products do it for us. My computer and cell were re set but I did have to go through the house to reset the clocks!
So This week, I have a special guest coming to stay with me. I am picking up Mrs. Figure Olympia Nicole Wilkins-Lee from the airport. She is staying with me until Saturday. She is out here for business and I offered for her to stay with me. She is such a sweetheart and I am looking forward to having her out. The Figure Olympia Title could not have gone to a much better, kind hearted, beautiful woman such as her. I am so happy for her and her accomplishments so young… Only a few months older than me… Anyways, I am hoping to get some video posts of us doing a few things, cooking, just hanging, etc…
Stay tuned for that. 🙂
I have posted a post today—
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ” Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is a really great quote. It is hard in our society today to be yourself. People are always trying to make you someone you aren’t. Many of us are also in a sport where we are being constantly judged and trying to change US for them or what we think “they want”. If you can be yourself and learn no let “THEM” go and focus on YOU, you are accomplishing SO much!! BE YOU, BE REAL, Don’t let anything or anyone stop you!!
Have a great end to your weekend and start of a whole new month with new goals, accomplishments, and exciting ventures! We have 2 more months of 2009, let’s make them great!
I am off to start my day.
walk bruno–small shoulder workout–train clients–home for online work–pick up Nicole–work, hang out, TBD…
Have a great day!
GinaNicole and Me at 2009 Olympia
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ” Ralph Waldo Emerson