With 2010 right around the corner, meaning New Year’s resolutions coming up quick, have you given it a thought?  What are your goals for next year and even the next few years?  It is important to live in the moment but keep in mind your plans for the future.  Do you have the ability, interest, and focus to voice a plan for your future?  Being able to do so shows your earning desire to reach long term goals.  Not every goal we have is  something that can be accomplished in a day or much less a few months!  Some goals, come on be realistic, need to have a future date, even if it is a few years.  If you are entering in school, do you expect to graduate in 12 weeks, not necessarily, unless it is a short term or accelerated program.  Some goals are long term goals and it is important to plan ahead!  There are so many times we just go through life and go with the flow allowing things to happen. Now this is a toss up because it is important to be flexible and allow yourself to sway but at the same time have your big goals in mind so you keep your focus on your direction.  Within all your long term goals there are short terms goals.  For the school example, even if your goal is to graduate in 4 years, your short term goal is to get a 3.8 during that semester or pass your next exam.  For your fitness goals, we all have our long term goals but at the same time have our daily, weekly and monthly goals within that long term goal!  These are what keeps us going and striving to do better!  Think about next year and what some of your goals are for 2010.  It seems like far away but it will be here before you know it.  I am not one to come up with a New Year’s resolution because everyone else is or that is what you do on Jan 1st but I do think it is a great time to re evaluate situations and yourself and refocus.  I like to come up with concrete goals and things that I want to accomplish for ME.  I like to spend time really thinking about it so those goals become exciting and well thought out.  You can easily pick a typical weigh loss resolution but find one that is unique to you and give it some deep thought!  Our goals to better ourselves are what keeps us moving and excited about our personal journey in life!

Setting long term goals and having that determination will keep us moving in the right direction and on the right path. If our path involves becoming healthy and fit, establish those goals and make sure they are clear and defined so you know what to  clear goals help to outline the way and give us ways to measure progress. When we can actually visualize our goals they become a reality.  It is a great time to start thinking about your long term plan and what those goals are!

Start thinking about 2010 and what you will accomplish?  What will your goals be?
Not too far away so time to start thinking about it! 🙂