Good Morning….

Good Morning Team! SO we all take on different challenges each day, whether we realize it or not! It could be something as small as waking up a few minutes earlier than usual to something big like climbing the highest mountain in the country. Whatever your challenge...

Monday update

Hope everyone had a fantastic day!! I am headed out on my walk with Big Bad Bruno and then calling it a night with some Nori Wrapped Cabbage rolls! 🙂 Yummy, now that ‘s what I am talking about!! It was dreary and gloomy here in SD today. Puts such a damper on...

Male Treadmill Post Op Q&A

Q: Hi Gina, Can you please suggest a treadmill workout for 45 years of age male, problem with knees had operation MCL?? He has been doing a lot of single leg work to balance out muscles imbalances. He is a very fit male, teaches boys rugby, trains at the gym 3-4x...

Quick posing 101

I know there are several members who are competitors and many stepping on stage soon! I wanted to get out a brief posing 101 for you to start practicing. A more detailed and refined version to come soon… Best of Luck and practice practice practice!!! Untitled...