Health is our greatest possession

    Why are you striving to live a healthy life? Is it because you want to “look” a certain way or because you truly understand that health is our greatest possession? We often get sidetracked from what we want, based on society or others. It is...

Master your Plan with Greens

Greens, Greens and more Greens. Vegetables are so good for you and when we mention “greens” we are not just referring to vegetables that are green in color but as an umbrella term to mean all Vegetables. Since Vegetables are FREE on our lifestyle balance...

Celebrate Today, why wait!?

It is so common to wait to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments until later… When you fit into those jeans, when you get to that certain weight, etc. The list goes on and on and suddenly you are “waiting” to celebrate. Why wait? All your...

You inspire me!

Everyday, we all inspire one another, YOU inspire me, everyday to continue doing what I do. Someone who you don’t even personally know is being inspired by you, daily. That person who sees you so committed to your workouts, consciously watches you as you...