Daily Challenge Checklist:
🌟 Follow along with today’s workout. Simply press play and let’s go!
🌟 Check in Online in our Facebook Tribe HERE and let me know you completed Today’s Challenge!
🌟 If you are on Instagram, be sure to post and #7dayignitechallenge & tag me @ginaaliotti
🌟 G-Fit Tip: Don’t forget to hydrate and get in at least 3/4 gallon of water. Why is it so important to stay hydrated? Let me tell you why —> READ THE BLOG HERE.
REMEMBER: Showing up for YOU, even if it is just 20 minutes, will kick start your goals and reignite that fire… Promise! 🔥
We are off to a great start. I cannot wait to keep that fire burning with an awesome circuit I have planned for us tomorrow. Remember, the sooner you can do our circuits the better. See you in the morning…
♡ Gina
ps- I would love to hear from you, simply drop me a note in the comments section and share a little bit about you, how you are feeling and why you decided to start this 7-Day Ignite your Fire Challenge!