Cold Calamari Salad

Ingredients: -1 pound squid -1 whole purple onion, finely diced -2 red bell peppers -3 roma tomatoes, sliced -2 cucumbers, sliced -1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp Olive Oil -1/4 cup Red Vinegar -1 tsp sea salt -4 cloves garlic, minced -pepper to taste Directions: Saute Squid and...

Jicima Sprout Salad

INGREDIENTS: -1/2 jicima, sliced -1 roma tomato -3 celery stocks, diced -1/4 purple onion, diced -1/2 green bell pepper, sliced -1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts -1/2 cucumber, diced -1 tbsp minced garlic -1 tsp parsley flakes -2 tbsp olive oil -1 tsp vinegar of your choice...

Rainbow Jicima Salad

INGREDIENTS: -1 Jicima -1 green bell pepper -1 yellow bell pepper -1 red bell pepper -2 large cucumber -5 stocks of celery -1 medium purple onion -1/4 c. sliced mushrooms -3 roma tomatoes -1 cup green beans -1 whole lime -2 tbsp parsley -1 tbsp fresh ground pepper...