G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 1: 2 mile run Circuit: 10 side plank reach throughs 10 side plank lateral raise 10 squat with bicep curl 10 lunges with side lateral raise 10 squats into press Rest and repeat circuit 2x Move onto Part 2… G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 2:...

G-FIT Workout of the Day

G-fit workout of the day: 10 renegade rows 10 kettle bell one-arm rows 10 wide squats 10 hip thrusts off bench with 5 second hold at the top 10 reverse grip bent over rows rest 30 seconds in between exercises and repeat and 2x

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: 20 single kettle bell dead lift with opposite leg raise 20 side lateral raise 20 kettle bell 1-arm rows 10 kettle bell bicep curls Rest and Repeat 3x…. Move onto Part 2 (ab circuit) Part 2 (ab circuit) 1 minute 1/2 bicycle crunches 20...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day part 1: tricep burn… 10 kickbacks 10 overhead extensions 10 single across face extensions 10 Single kettle bell extensions 10 back to front kettle bell extensions Rest and repeat 3x Move to part 2 (abs) G-Fit Workout of the Day part 2:...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: 10 push ups with knee to chest 5 Wall sit bicep curls 5 wall sit side laterals 5 wall sit front raises 30 second wall sit Rest and repeat 4x CHECK OUT MY NEW ULTIMATE ACCELERATED PLAN! 6 WEEKS NO GYM NECESSARY! INCLUDES 6 DIETS AND 36...