G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit workout of the day: 2 mile run Circuit: -10 reverse lunge with front raise -15 pike push ups (inverted push up) -15 side to side shoulder presses (Dumbbells touching) -15 hamstring curls off exercise ball -10 front raise with combo kick back Rest and repeat 3x...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit workout of the day: Start: 2 mile run Circuit: -15 medicine ball lunges -10 medicine ball reverse grip lateral raise with front raise -15 medicine ball lunge with press -15 medicine ball butt blaster Rest and repeat circuit 3x Dig Deep! To keep G-Fit workout...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit workout of the day: Start: 2 mile run Circuit: -15 incline chest press -30 second boat pose -15 count boat pose with mini flutters -15 same leg, hand raise off ball -10 ab sliders with dumbbell Rest and repeat circuit 3x Dig...