Cold Summer Greek Salad

Ingredients: -1/2 can artichokes, halved -1/2 can kidney beans -1/2 can garbanzo beans -1/2 red bell pepper -1/2 yellow bell pepper -1/2 green bell pepper -1.5 cups celery -1 cucumber -1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved -1 cup white mushrooms -1 cup canned beets OR 3 fresh...

Simple Summer Cucumber Salad

Ingredients: -1 cucumbers, sliced -1/2 red onion -1/4 cup diced green olives -1 red bell peppers, diced -1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil -1 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar -Pepper, to taste Directions: Prepare all ingredients in large bowl, mix well and allow to marinate as long...

Watermelon Feta Salad

INGREDIENTS: -1 avocado -1 red bell pepper -1/2 purple onion -1/2 jicima -3 roma tomatoes -4 celery stocks -1 cucumber -1 head romaine lettuce -2 cups watermelon, cubed -1 cup feta cheese -1/4 c. apple cider vinegar -2 limes -2 tbsp fresh minced garlic -1/4 c. extra...

Rainbow Jicima Salad

INGREDIENTS: -1 Jicima -1 green bell pepper -1 yellow bell pepper -1 red bell pepper -2 large cucumber -5 stocks of celery -1 medium purple onion -1/4 c. sliced mushrooms -3 roma tomatoes -1 cup green beans -1 whole lime -2 tbsp parsley -1 tbsp fresh ground pepper...

Simple Cantaloupe Summer Salad

INGREDIENTS: -1 Large cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced -1 medium cantaloupe, de-seeded and cut into large cubes -1 red onion, sliced into thin slices -1 medium avocado, sliced into cubes -2 tablespoons lime juice -3 tablespoons cilantro DIRECTIONS: -Cut cantaloupe...