wow, where did the day go!! I had an extremely busy day today. Started with my usual routine of e-mails, updates, and getting ready to head to the gym for my own training before meeting with clients.
Today’s training:
30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill with jog/walk/sprints throughout th3 30 minutes.  There was no set agenda for my HIT intervals but I just kind of went with my music.  I followed my cardio with a 20 minute circuit training workout which I will be putting my client Jessica through tomorrow… Check back for the video of the workout 🙂
I had a ton of business calls to make and online updates to follow up on.  In the middle of everything I had to take my car in for an oil change and get to costco.  Gosh I love that place, you can get absolutely everything you need and I learned, if you go on Tuesday at 6:30, it is DEAD!! Great time to go, at least here in SD!  I got a ton of stuff.  I am loving my Deep freezer, as I can put so much in there that is saves me going to costco more than once a week! Yes, I still have to go once a week but hey, better than a few times, right?! I got a ton of stuff
mushrooms, bell peppers, lettuce, mixed greens, tons of my frozen organic green beans, diet 7-up, tomatoes, shrimp, coffee, 2 flats of eggs (120), Pam, Almond butter, Peanut butter, Oatmeal, tuna, salmon, a few spices and of course a few house hold items…  I am stocked up for the week, wahooo!!
I was so busy today that I was only able to get in 5 meals:
meal 1: protein shake, oats, coffee
meal 2: almonds and an apple with a shake
meal 3: egg white/ eggplant/broccoli slaw scramble– see video 🙂
meal 4: yam muffins– see video being posted soon 🙂
meal 5: egg whites with green beans and 1 tbsp olive oil
Busy day and now going to hit the pillow!! Sounds like everyone is doing awesome on their first week of prep and if not yoru first week or if you aren’t in a prep, everyone is doing fabulous as we move on into the new year!!
I have a thought for the day…okay so Michael and I went to take Bruno on a walk at the Boardwalk yesterday.  there were tons of people out and it was a gorgeous evening!  There were tons of people exercising on the boardwalk!! Getting out into the world and people watching really puts things in perspective! We tend to be in our little “fitness circles” that we forget what the average woman/man looks like.  I just have to say, I am giving you all props for being involved in this lifestyle!! Dang, it made me think how few of us there are in this world! So focused on eating healthy and exercising but on a completely different level!! Sometimes, take yourself out of your box an take a look around you.  I am sure many of you do this often but really do this over the next few days! Pat yourself on the back and give yourself credit for everything you are doing and have done! There aren’t many out there that do what we do, full force!!  YOU ARE ALL AMAZING! Just was thinking about that yesterday and we walked and people watched!