Well I am getting settled back from our trip up north. It is amazing what piles up while you are away. thank gosh I bring my laptop and take care of e-mails and business while I am away! I am glad to see people getting use to the site and posting. Continue to post and please introduce yourself and become active in the site!
Check the recipe section of the blog and also post and check the forum for info…
Today I got in some cardio with Bruno about 4 mile walk and ran a ton of errands, including costco.
What was on my costco grocery list, many of you ask… Here it is
8 bags of green beans (remember, I have that deep freezer)
2 bags of brussel sprouts
2 bags of asparagus
Mixed greens
2 trays of white mushrooms
bag of onions
Frozen chicken breast
Pork Loin
Lean steak (London Broil)
Lean Ground Turkey Breast
2 Flats of 60 Eggs
Diet 7-up
Natural Peanut butter and Almond Butter
Canned Salmon
Vanilla and Chocolate Protein Powder (myoplex, I think)
Block of Cheese
and other misc things such as a throw blanket and a Brita for my filtered water.
See not much on the menu other than clean food but of course my portions are larger and here and there I will have a treat such as cheese added to a salad or carbs in the p.m. as you saw in my video, etc.
It is important to keep your foods clean year round. I love my healthy foods and with the various ways of cooking and different recipes, we get really creative and the food is amazing!
Today what the menu consisted of was the following:
meal 1: Protein shake and 1/2 c. oatmeal (our favorite!) with 1 tbsp flaxseed
meal 2: Orange Roughy with 1/2 c. brown rice and a salad
meal 3: orange roughy with 1/2 c. brown rice
meal 4: protein shake with an apple
meal 5: chicken breast with 1 rice cake and asparagus
meal 6: 5 egg white/veggie omelet
and before bed I will have a protein shake with 1 tbsp almond butter 🙂
Oh how I love those nut butters and miss them so much during prep!
I went back to the gym for a 2 mile run (total of 20 minutes of cardio with the cool down) I ran about a 7.5 minute mile.. good to see my cardio is still up. Today was my HIT training day. I will not run everyday but try to get in a few miles a few times a week.
Have a great night and post in the forum!!!