lower body fat q&a

Q: along with most women, hold most of my body fat in my lower body (glutes and thighs). Is there any advice you can give me as far as cardio or training to help me taper down my legs?Im currently eating 1200-1500 calories a day, depending on what carb intake I am...

plateau Q & A

Q: Ok I know how you ladies feel about the scale and stuff, but I feel I have not bee changing for the past 2-3 weeks. I have incresed the cardio, and have cut carbs a bit. But still nothing, nathan, NADA! The scale has not budged and i don’t see changes in my...

Good Morning

“The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen.” ~ Lee Iacocca Good Morning!  Today, start by writing down your daily goal and make it happen.  You have to put it out there to allow it to actually happen.  We have a few more days...

Metabolism and Insulin

We heard a lot about insulin with all the low-carb diets out there. Problems with insulin are a root cause of some of the most dangerous health conditions, as insulin affects almost every cell in the body. Insulin plays a critical role in how your body uses food. Its...