G-Fit Workout of the day

1 mile run Circuit: 10 squat with crossover kick, each side 10 diagonal raises, each side 10 single shoulder presses 10 single dome presses 1 minute high knees Repeat circuit 3x

G-Fit Workout Of the Day

G-Fit workout of the day Warm up: 1 mile run Circuit: 10 row with side lateral raise 20 front raises 20 off the bench core ball grabs 20 hamstring roll ins with ball 50 crunches Repeat Circuit 6x

G-Fit Circuit of the Day

G-Fit Circuit workout Cardio: 1 mile run, 1 min rest, repeat 2x Circuit: 20 weighted squats 20 single straight leg dead lifts 20 jump lunges 20 pulse push ups 20 crunch into hip thrust Repeat Circuit 3x


G-Fit Workout of the day 3.1 mile run followed by 2 1/4 mile sprints ——- Body Weight Circuit 30 crunches 30 crossover butt squeezes 30 leg extended tricep dips 30 Bridge inverted push-ups 30 (15 each side) push ups (leg crossed over other) 30 toe touch...