Sleep is an essential part of the Program for optimal Growth!! Don’t take it for granted!

As we live this fitness lifestyle, we are striving to achieve and maintain high levels of excellence.  We  have high expectations of ourselves and often push ourselves to extremes.  There are so many parts of the lifestyle that need to fit together to achieve optimal results and growth, mentally and physically.  The type and intensity of exercise and proper nutrition are well known components but NOT the only components!  Many people get so wraped up in the day to day ins and outs of life that they tend to overlook the importance of sleep. Without an enough sleep, on a regular basis, we will not attain the success and results we work so hard for in the gym!  The optimal average is 8 hours a night but I know not everyone can get the full 8 hours.  While it is true that people can and do function with less than 8 hours, it has been  proven to be the optimal amount needed for us  to give our bodies for full recovery.  We are constantly putting stress on our muscles, minds and overall bodies that it is essential to allow for the rest and recovery to keep us not only making progress but staying healthy!

When we sleep, there are a few things going on. The body increases anabolism and decreases the rate of catabolism.  Both anabolism and catabolism both create our metabolisms.  Recovery during sleep is a result of two processes. The body experiences an increased rate of anabolism and a decreased rate of catabolism. These work together to create metabolism.

Anabolism is the building of cell structures essential for tissue growth, maintenance, and repair. This occurs during during non-REM sleep, about 75-80% of your sleep time!

We get this energy from catabolism, which is the breakdown of cell structures.

When anabolism exceeds catabolism,  growth occurs. When catabolism exceeds anabolism,  loss occurs. Therefore by reducing the rate of catabolism, anabolism is increased, and results in faster recovery, an increased growth rate, and an overall higher level of performance. Isn’t that our goal!!?? If you are working hard to obtain your goals, it is essential to get your sleep!

Studies show that the lack of sleep can  negatively impact your body by altering the amount of several hormones:

  • Cortisol is released– Cortisol is a catabolic stress hormone that increases abdominal fat storage and stimulates the breakdown of muscle tissue for use as energy.
  • Testosterone is lowered– The higher your levels of testosterone, the more muscle you can build.
  • (HGH) – production is limited— During sleep, your body experiences a natural surge in HGH which helps build and maintain muscle.
  • Insulin – body’s uptake of important nutrients into your cells is limited– Less sleep means higher insulin resistance levels, meaning your body needs to release higher-than-normal amounts of insulin to compensate, i.e chances of excess fat storage, diabetes, or heart disease.

Not only does lack of sleep cause all of the above things but weakens your immune system,  increases your risk of injury, lowers your performance, decreases energy, increases irritability, and decreases your overall focus.

It may take time to establish your sleeping patterns but note that it is important for you to understand and realize it is an absolute and essential part of the program.  Be patient and don’t give up. Just like you must work to build muscles, you must and absolutely need your sleep~!