The beauty of my plans is you can get creative and turn any meal into any variation of your choice. The way to stay on track is to get creative with your cooking. Here are a few examples of how I change it up, get creative and constantly keep things changing to keep me and my taste buds happy! 🙂
-Use different flavors to spice up your foods. Devotion’s FLEX FLAVORS are perfect for this!
-Change how you cook the “pancake” recipes listed. Turn them into waffles or muffins for a change 🙂
-Add zucchini, it’s “free” on my plans and adds more volume (bulk) and fiber without the calories so it’s a win win! You can always add zucchini to any of the listed muffins and pancakes 🙂
-Use different flavors of protein powder. I switch between Angel Food Cake and Brownie Batter to get completely different flavors!
-Make mini muffins, pancakes or loaves so you get more bang for your buck! You can use the recipe listed to make one pancake, waffle or loaf OR turn the recipe into several mini’s. This is how you trick yourself that you are eating more…
These Almond Loaves are a great example of how I turned this recipe (Week 2 Menu of the UAP) from pancakes to loaves and not just ONE but THREE! Yes, this is ALL 1 serving if you can believe it or not!
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Have fun, get creative and change it up! I promise it will be the ticket to keeping you #Devoted4Life!
xoxo Gina
For more Recipes and to get started on my 6 week NO GYM necessary Plan Click HERE.