Do with your own two hands

We commonly procrastinate or put things off by saying “It will get done eventually” or “Someone else will do it” or “I’ll do it later”. Wrong, later or eventually never comes, others don’t “do” and things...

Change your approach from the inside out

We all know people who just like to complain. It seems that no matter how good they have it, they’re always spreading negative energy. Are you one who finds fault with everything around them? You can shine even in the worst situations if your character and...

August Spending Report

Don’t forget to join us in our Grocery Spending Report by keeping track and tabs of money spent on groceries. This includes groceries AND anything you spend eating out, including coffee, etc. At the end of the month, we will compare notes and see how much money...

Try Try Again…

If at first you don’t succeed, try try again! If at first you don’t succeed at something, guess what you are normal! Don’t get hung up on not succeeding the first time but but be sure to not beat yourself up and try try again. Feeling as if...