Success continues to be revealed…

Good Morning and Happy Happy Friday! This weekend is a special weekend for everyone! It is a weekend to celebrate the success of each and every one of you! You work hard towards your goals and having that vision is the foundation towards these goals (see today’s...

What do you want?

Prepare today for what it is you want tomorrow but do you even know what it is you want tomorrow, much less today? When we think of our SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) goals, we must know where we are going so we can plan our direction...

Please but don’t people please…

Do you go around trying to please everyone? If you learn this concept sooner than later, life gets easier and easier. No matter what you do, how hard you try , you cannot please everyone! You will literally drive yourself crazy trying to so stop trying to please...

Your body, your temple

Your body is your temple and should be treated with the utmost respect! We often turn to bad habits or food cravings not because we are respecting the needs of our bodies but out of boredom, depression, regret, or rejection. It doesn’t even have to be a negative...

Make your own movie

You create your own reality! What are you thinking right now because that will become your reality!? Some may think this is hocus-pocus but it is the truth. The sooner you can adopt this concept, the sooner your reality will become the reality you dream! Whatever is...