Too many projects going on right now….?

How many projects or goals are you working on right now? If you have to think too hard or it takes you a few sentences or paragraphs to list ALL you are working on right now, you may be focusing on too many things. When something motivates us to make a change, it is...

Procrastinate less, just do it

What have you been telling yourself you” will do later” or “I will get to it tomorrow”? Is there something or several things that you have been putting of doing today for “tomorrow”? This may be a nutritional or fitness plan you...

Success Story: Michelle Milgazo

Michelle Milgazo, 30 years old and mother of 2! Michelle, we are so proud of you for ALL your hard work and dedication! You dug deep, through the holidays and whatever was put in your way and did it! One day at a time, you focused on your goal and dreams and you did...

January Round Up

Have you committed to our February: No Excuse month? We created or may have “thought” we created a plan for the first of the year but now it is 31 days later and where do we stand? We cannot wait for that little bit of motivation to kick in, we must...

Steps were taken, Success was made

Day in and day out, it is the small steps that lead us towards our goals. Consistency, a goal, once single focus and before you know it small steps have lead you towards success and personal achievement! You have the choice to create and choose the life you want but...

February: No Excuse Month

February is upon us, if you can believe it or not. The year is in full gear! How has the start of your year been? Has off to a great start or are you still recovering from the holiday hustle and bustle. If you have attempted to jump on board with your goals but just...