Be Specific as Possible

As you continue to strive for your goal, you want to be sure you are as Specific as possible. If you are not specific, how do you know what you are going for? Even if you think you are specific, can you get even more specific? You want to run a marathon so you start...

Lifestyle Basics 101

10 Simple Reminders to keep you on track with your Lifestyle Goals: -Never Skip Breakfast -Never Skip Meals, in General -Drink at least your body weight in ounces of water! -You have to want it bad enough and be willing to change to actually Change! -Healthy foods...

Karma- Make Positive Changes in your Life

Practice Good Karma and sow the seeds of positive Change in your life by practicing these principles. Start Your Day with a Positive Intention- A simple acknowledgement of your success will set the tone of your day. Come up with something you want to focus on each...

Just Do It!

There is something to be said about the good ol Nike saying, “Just Do It”! Think about the last time you said “I will” or “tomorrow” or “after I…”. Excuses and procrastination, we can sum all of these up as pure...

Super Bowl Health Tips….

SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!!! For those of you headed to enjoy the Game either at home or at a party, here are a few of my Superbowl tips: Before the big game: * Exercise before heading out to the party. * Have a good breakfast that morning so you won’t be starving (and...