Change takes time but it takes you making the time to dedicate yourself to that change and once you commit, change begins. If you commit yourself today to a certain change and you will start that process now. Everything you do today and all the commitments you make today, to that change, will bring you closer towards the full transformation. Yes, changing your habits takes time but committing yourself takes no time at all and from that commitment, change begins! Once you commit and and start taking small actions today, they will all add up and before you know it, you are living this healthy lifestyle without a second thought. Every action you make, every compromise you make, you are taking huge strides towards your metamorphosis.
When you feel that something needs to change, you must believe in yourself to make the change and commit yourself TODAY. Yes, other people can be there to support you and help you along your journey but at the end of the day, it is you who must make the initial and final commitment. Once you commit yourself, from that moment on, lose any doubt, fears, or questions you have in making your change (s). The truth is that you can do anything you put your mind to it! Your life, your changes, your commitment starts today! What are you waiting for?