The countdown is on… The countdown for the holidays ahead and ALL the holiday temptations that are going to test you each and every day! Cookies, candy, eggnog, sugary cocktails, appetizers, dessert are everywhere you turn. You can’t go anywhere, not even the bank without being tempted with candy. The countdown to 2012 has begun and this is our opportunity, to decide how we want to end 2011. We have 31 days, 31 days left to be the best you possible. Part of being the best you is living without guilt, right? One way to do that is to not set yourself up for unrealistic expectations.
Do you expect to eat 100% clean through December, bypassing all the treats that come your way? I hope that you are mentally strong to pass on most but I would not expect a squeaky clean December. There are holiday parties, gatherings, family coming into town, etc. so completely avoiding any and all temptations is completely unrealistic. We are all human and temptations are easier to bypass when they are not everywhere you eat, sleep and breath.
During this time of year, let’s be realistic. You know That big R in “SMART” Goals… It is important to be realistic with our goals. This is probably not the best time to start a new fitness program but at the same time not completely sabotage your goals. This is the season for Maintenance! Don’t abandon your goals or efforts but it may be a time for you to just keep yourself where you are. Balance is how we keep this a lifestyle. If you focus on maintenance and balancing your decisions, you will be able to enjoy the holidays while being realistic.
Part of reaching our goals is being realistic. If you tell yourself you are not going to have a single treat, well that is not very realistic, is it? You are only setting yourself up to “fail” but if you are realistic and tell yourself that you are going to allow yourself a treat, every now and then, in moderate amounts, well now that is more realistic. Maybe you tell yourself that you will only have a bite of something if it is homemade vs store bought. That saves you a ton of temptations because so many of the treats are store bought and factory made!
Come up with some realistic guidelines for yourself… Rather than focusing on weightless or starting a new plan, focus on maintenance! Focus on being healthy; eating well, working out but also allow for moderate treats.
We can do this… one step at a time, realistic goals and you will conquer 2011 in a blanked and joyful way!!!