Good Morning everyone! Happy Tuesday. Again, cannot tell you how great it feels to be back. There isn’t a better feeling than to work hard and play hard and then be ready to work hard again!! What a great feeling to be ready and eager to start working hard and seeing where our shovel can take us next… You have to continually push yourself to limits and work hard to appreciate the times where you can just chill, relax, take in all your hard work and breath! Remember that everyday, as you are striving for your ultimate goals, the results will never feel so good! Imagine, you work so hard, you get closer and closer to your goals with every drop of sweat, tear of frustration, hard work and joy and leaps you have taken to overcome barriers…. Now imagine how great you are going to feel and how much you will appreciate those tears, sweat, barriers and obstacles! You have worked hard, challenged yourself and now you can sit back, take it all in and appreciate those moments for what they were and where they got you! If you never stomped your feet in frustration, cried tears, made yourself take on physical and emotional barriers, sweat loads of liquid or questioned why you are doing what you are doing you wouldn’t be able to appreciate just what those moments did for you! They make you stronger, make you appreciate the feelings you get of feeling accomplished and successful, they make you be able to reflect and take in the effect each of those experiences had on your overall journey! It is all about working hard and then being able to take that hard work and appreciate it! Never forget how great it feels to have conquered your goals and created the person you are today and will be tomorrow! Everyday you may have a question that goes through your head as to why you are embarking upon this journey but remember the question lies in how you would do things any other way!! It is all a balancing act and without the hard work there wouldn’t be the amount of appreciation for all the hard play!
Everyday of digging deep allows for such a great feeling when you are able to put down the shovel and take a look at the whole you dug and appreciate the hard work that went into your sweat and tears!

Today, as you continue to dig your hold, remember how wonderful and indescribable the feeling will be when you can sit back, throw the shovel to the side and soak in all the hard work it took to get you where you are! The digging is so worth it ladies! Dig Deep and Never lose site of the deeper meaning behind our hardwork–personal reward and success!!!

Feels to great to be back, shovel back in hand and back to digging a little bit deeper!!
Have a beautiful day!!