Our lifestyle, our decisions, why do they seem so hard at times and then other times they seem so easy?! It is common to understand the basics and importance of proper nutrition and rest and how it affects us. We know that everything we put into our bodies affects us. It is a matter what calories in and calories out but even more so, it is a matter of what type of calories! If you’ve been on this site a while, you know it well. If you’re just starting, trust me, you will continue to learn the tools.
Regardless of how long you have been on this journey, many of us may still find that some days are just plain Hard and some days are Easy. Most are still trying to find that little zone of where things are in balance and things just flow. Where you eat right, exercise consistently and get enough rest! All of that stuff, seems so easy and comprehensible but at the end of the day, it isn’t always that way.
It becomes a matter of understanding the foundation and roots to our decisions, mindset and actions. It isn’t always about willpower but by finding a way to set things up so they just happen automatically and are ingrained habits. It may not be about will power or restriction what so ever but rather just finding ways to scoot around the temptations. Those “ways” are different for everyone! Instead of saying you failed, or you can’t do it, maybe you should just learn what is going on behind the temptation…. Understand what’s going on behind your decision process to help you learn a way to scoot around it, in the future.
Today, as you make decisions, try to start to understand the root of the decision or action. Learn the basics of what is going on and fight to learn ways to create a lifestyle of ingrained habits rather than a lifestyle of constant willpower…