Don’t forget that Everything you need you have with you at all times.
Why are we, as humans, always in a rush to get what we want?  Do we think when we get this or that it will make us happy and we will have what we have always wanted and needed?  Our desire to learn and improve is our nature. Our minds are always in search of what can be done or what we have to do.
Take a second and just look around and realize just what you have, how far we have come as a society and how far YOU have come as an individual! Everything from a loved one, the lights, a picture you drew, a piece of art you bought, the house you are living in, etc.
I am sure if you take a moment and think about it all, it leaves you breathless and as you sigh you say, “WOW!” Who can’t be amazed at life??? Take a step back and look outside the box, for once.  Realize how lucky  and just how fortunate we are!!
As individuals we are also always searching for improvement. We are seeking the answers to make our lives better. This fuel for this desire of self improvement from material things to simply improving our feelings . Since we are seekers, we seek, and we will always continue to seek. However, if you want change, if you want to create what is not there, where do you have to look first? You first have to look within. The answers lie within you. The changes you want are inside of you. You have to tap into your mind. You have to draw the power from within yourself. The changes are yours to realize at any time you choose.
Everything you need you have with you at all times. Anything you need is inside of you. All you have to do is reach in and all the changes you want you can realize. Sure the changes you want do not exist yet, and the changes that get created everyday do not exist yet either. If they already existed they would not be changes, they would be what is. Get quiet for a moment and allow yourself to be still. Close your eyes and see yourself with changes you seek. Get a clear picture of what it is that you want and then reach further. Don’t stop with the end result, ask your mind how do I create it. The light bulb did not get created by Edison stopping at the end result in his mind. Edison saw what he wanted to create and then asked himself, “How do I create it?” We have the power within ourselves to create the changes we want, but we stop our thinking at the end result. The end result is just the start of the process. Know what you want and then the thinking starts. Then you have to start thinking about how do I create the result I seek? Often, when we ask that question, we look for the short cut. There was no short cut for Edison. It is said that Edison went through more than ten thousand experiments before he ended up with the result he wanted.
You can light the light bulb up of your life, and it won’t take ten thousand tries but it does take effort. Take a moment and search your mind. What do you want to create in your life, and how can you create it? See the path and then be willing to put the effort in. If nothing is impossible, there is no change beyond you. It doesn’t all come easily, but it is there to make happen. You have to be willing to put the effort in to make it happen. You have to reach inside yourself and nothing is beyond you. You really can create the changes.  Everything you need you already have! All the changes you seek in life are already within you waiting to be realized. You have what you need.