“No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.”
Barbara DeAngelis
I believe that you can change your life, with how you experience your life and what actions you take in your life. You experience your life through your perceptions, which are centered around your thoughts. No action is taken with a thought first. Before you decide what food you are going to eat or if and when you are going to workout, you have to have the thought first. It is learning how to act on certain thoughts that can change our lives. If you a thought comes in your mind to workout or not, how are you going to act on that thought? If we become educated on how we feel when we workout or how we feel when we eat certain things, that may determine our action for that thought. You are not stuck and a person can change and that means YOU can change. It means that you can create new behavior and learn how to move out of negative thought patterns and even introduce and learn new thought patterns.
This doesn’t mean it’s easy, but it can be done. We are all here to help each other change our behaviors and act in ways that will positively influence our lives. Changing behavior and your thought patterns takes considerable effort, time and desire on your part. It takes learning how to shift thoughts and how to ingrain new thoughts. You can change your thoughts, behaviors and actions, it just takes time, dedication, persistence, support and the will to do so. Let’s all be here to help others chose wisely. Start today by taking ANY negative thought that enters your mind and either eliminating it from your mind or changing that thought to a positive thought.
i.e. It is monday, a whole week before the weekend… CHANGE THOUGHT….
It is monday, amazing! Another week to accomplish my goals. A start of a new week and I am going to accomplish A, B, and C by Friday. Bring it on!