Have you tried anything new lately? Maybe a new food, a new recipe, a new exercise, a new book, whatever it may be and whichever area of life it is in, trying new things can offer you that little bit of spice you are looking for! Use to the same things day in and day out? Yes, consistency and structure is what we like and what makes us successful but even the most successful structured person gets bored with the same thing in and out! No need to alter your structure but maybe try something new, within your structure, to add a little flavor to your routine! If you are use to making the same foods, day in and day out, try something new. Doesn’t mean something that isn’t on our lifestyle eating plan but something that may cause you to pick up and cook for the first time. Often we do things out of routine or comfort. Push out of what is comfortable and grow your creativity. This weekend cultivate and grow yourself by doing something different. Find variety and spice within your schedule! Any hiking trails near by that you can visit rather than your typical treadmill? Maybe you aren’t a hiker nor care to explore hiking but try something new! Always opt for the same breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks in between? Explore different yet healthy alternatives to your meals! What about reading. You tend to read the same type of books or magazines? Pick up a book or magazine that is completely foreign to you and learn something new! Explore beyond your everyday structure and routine and see how you feel!