
The standards for Figure Competitors seem to be changing for a more and more softer look. What is your opinion on that?
And, in your personal experience, do you pay much attention to what the judges want or do you simply present your best shape possible, improved from the last show, and hope for the best?
Thank you!
Yes you are absolutely right and this is a very common question. Right when you think the judges know what they want, you will see a shift. I agree that there is a more common softer look being seen on the stage but again, it depends on what shows up… At the professional level, we know who will be competing so it is easier to understand the direction of the judging but on the local/amateur level, you never know who is going to show up. If a class has 99% hard/muscular girls and 1% soft girls, the majority rules and all you have to judge is hard and muscular so that is what wins. In another class if it is the complete opposite with a99% soft and 1% muscular, you have to judge that way so you have a softer winner. It looks funny but it makes sense that you don’t know who is going to show up and you have to judge accordingly.
Another thing to keep in mind is some girls look better harder and others softer. You have to go with what looks best on your body, shape and form. Some girls can get away with a little more hardness than others, because of their structure.
What I always recommend and will stay true to is to focus on you, what you like, and who looks best on your body and go with that. You constantly want to be improving but again for YOU. It is subjective and at the end of the day, you have to be happy. Do things for YOU and no one else. The goals is Symmetry and Shape, hence “figure” so you constantly want to be keeping your body in balance (our favorite word) so you will have to shift your training accordingly but be sure you have the say in what you do to YOUR body.
Great question and definitely a common and difficult question!