Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!! Bummer that the weather is smoking hot in SD while I a in Monterey, with it’s typical fog!! I am in my stomping grounds and where life for Gina and my Fitness Career stemed. Nothing like bringing you back to your roots! Headed up to Monterey, who says you can’t eat at In n Out?? BYOC (bring your own chicken), simply ask for a side of lettuce, tomatoes and onions and there you have one amazing wrap!! See ladies, here is another on the road option and a way to bypass the supplemental shakes that are right there in arms reach, in the back seat. Made a promise to myself that it is one a day for me and I am sticking to it! Mind you, you can always stop at any drive through to get your “wrap essentials”. Cheap, healthy and perfectly GA (gina approved).

Just a brief update and travel tip… Off to spend some QT with my dad, the man who introduced me and ingrained fitness into my DNA!!

Happy Healthy Friday!!