I am listening to the rain pour down outside! No that is no April Fools Joke. April in SD and raining!!! Crazy! We’ll my flowers need the rain so I guess it is okay, only if it last a only one day!! So last night I wok up around 1, just starving. When that happens, I usually just go back to bed but last night I was just ravenous! I went downstairs and made a protein shake before getting back to bed. Gosh, That doesn’t happen too often but when it does, boy is it crazy. Good thing though, right… something called metabolism! It is okay in a time like that to have a shake or piece of lean protein or veggies but just don’t go for the carbs! It is smart to have things you can easily grab in a dire need like that so you don’t opt for the snaky foods! Especially int he middle of the night!!! Anyways, I am off to hope in the shower and get to the gym for some cardio, before starting my day with clients. With the rain, it changes up my typical morning routine because Bruno and me can’t go on our usual walk… Anyways, Hoping everyone is doing well! Push on… Today is a new month and we have some goals to work towards and so many of us are reaching them on a daily basis! Keep up the great work!
until later…