Good Morning and it is a bright and early Saturday! I received a text from LaNecia yesterday. The text was a photo of 2 trophies! She won not only her class but the overall in the masters! I am SO proud of her and it just made my night. It is so amazing to get the excitement from all the hard work and dedication of my clients and those I am in close contact with, such as each and every one of you. It is a great feeling to be able to put myself in those figure shoes, because I know the feeling, and completely relate to the satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, dedication and so much more, that you all feel when you reach your goals. The trophies were icing on the cake but stepping on stage as the accomplished winner you are, is simply priceless! Congratulations LaNecia!! I am SO SO proud of you and looks like we are heading off to Masters Nationals and maybe USA’s! 🙂 I will post photos and links when they become available. Tracy also did amazing and was her best yet, placing around 7-8 for her class, which was loaded with other amazing competitors!
Moving on, so went to the SS office and was about 10th in line. Got in and got out so it was so worth getting there early! I am officially Gina Silva ( Aliotti-Silva in the fitness world). It is official. Feels great to get it checked off the list! Small Task yet with the wait, drive, etc. it is just something tedious that can be put off… but CHECK!
Today, off for our M&G day… Not sure the exact plans but will fill you in manana. Have a Super Saturday and remember to make your healthy choices today and think about what you put in your mouth before you do… “Is this GA?” if Yes, go for it, if No– think twice 😉
Balance, Moderation, Persistence, Consistency and digging mentality– You are a winner my super starts!