Good Morning, good morning!!! How is everyone doing today and how is your week going?? Had a wonderful evening with my Sister in Law. We bbq’d Ginger Chicken with a delicious Salad, broiled garlic green beans and wild rice. We had a wonderful time hanging out. As I was eating 2 hours after our dinner, you know our last meal of the day… She could not believe “how much I eat”. Typical, right… People want to know how to get in the best shape and you would think they would learn from observation and maybe kind of catch on, right… If only people grasped that it is all about eating to lose weight and be in the best possible shape, imagine that!!! She was stuffed from dinner yet 2 hours post dinner, I was starving, ready for that final meal. Crazy how the metabolism works!! Hard to explain to someone that eating more is actually step 1, isn’t it! Once you grasp the concept and start feeling and seeing the results, that is when your outlook will never be the same, isn’t that the truth. Can you imagine now, after following such a healthy way of living with 5-7 meals, dropping down to 2!!??? No way! It is like clockwork, every 2-3 hours, our internal bell goes off!!
With yesterdays travel, unfortunately, I had too many shakes than I usually do and boy did I feel it last night. Ladies, I know that we all use protein shakes in our daily meals. They definitely help with convenience and for that quick digestion needed post workout. With our busy lives, thank gosh for protein powder, right!!?? There are so many types of powders, brands, types of ingredients used, sweeteners used, etc. You really have to be careful to find one that works well with your system. You may not notice a difference with 1 or 2 shakes a day but when you have one of those days where you have more than usual, you may really notice what they do to you. Remember, as convenient as those lovely powders are, they are still processed!! I am huge on getting in whole foods over shakes, any day!!! Of course, I am also huge on getting in a shake over nothing at all, that is for sure. So yesterday, traveling and being here at my in laws house, the shakes seemed to be easier. I had 4 shakes and 1 quest bar, before our regular whole food yummy dinner! Ladies, this is NOT suggested and if by all means you can limit your shakes, DO. I was really feeling it last night with extreme bloat and sorry if TMI but gass! I doubled up on my digestive enzymes to help with digestion but not until this morning do I feel better! This is just a reminder of a few things…
-Protein powders ARE definitely essential and there is a time and a place for them
-Notice and take note on how different proteins affect your body!
-It is common to become lactose intolerant, with the lack of or limited amount of dairy in our diets so remember that lacking those enzymes to breakdown lactose can cause IBS, gas or extreme bloating.
-Learn your body!
-Watch out for sweeteners used to sweeten powders
-Protein is and should be used for emergencies, conveniences and for those post workout meals but limited throughout the day.
-remember Moderation!!!
As you know, that wasn’t a typical day for me and boy did I feel it! Today, had meal 1, typical shake and oats, and for the rest of the day NO MORE SHAKES FOR ME. I am holding myself accountable to YOU! It is so easy to just opt for a shake when you are on the go, not only for convenience but because they taste so darn good, when you know just how to make them and blend them perfectly. 😉 I am holding myself accountable to you and will report back later!
I just know everyone is killing it with their fitness goals!! Just like the quote from Martin Luther King Jr. Remember that even though you may not see the top of the staircase, each step is leading you towards the top. Ladies, you really have to see each stride as a HUGE accomplishment. We all measure accomplishments differently, for one an accomplishment may be winning a race where as for another it is remembering to bring all their meals with them to work. We all have different perspectives of what makes us feel accomplished but remember, just as we are striving for excellence and you have to remember that the success today is what leads you to “your” personal accomplishments. Without each micro step there would be no accomplishment. I heard someone tell me that they were not going to be successful or feel accomplished until they met their weight loss goals. This really struck me wrong because everyday is the journey towards their goals. Some people measure success with BIG steps but remember it is those small steps and even back wards steps that actually makes you stronger and enables you to push forward towards greater success.
Ladies, we are moving forward with our journeys and as you strive to reach your goals, remember that goals will constantly be met because we have our whole lives to continue accomplishing… Pat yourself on the back today and give yourself a smile for where you are right now and what you have done to get here! Acknowledge your success thus far and no matter where you are on the staircase, remember that you are moving towards the top, no matter how many flights it is to the top… It is all about the climb

Enjoy your day!!