“Celebrate we will, because life is short but sweet for certain.”~Dave Matthews Band
Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace and translated as “seize the day”, another words… “enjoy, make use of.”
Today, let’s apply this phrase “Carpe diem” into our everyday lives! We all have goals–both short and long term. By working hard, each day, and focusing on what YOU want to get out of life, you increase the probability of achieving your dreams. In the end there are no guarantees, but if you don’t go after them, you will never know! What do you have to lose? Make the most of each day by celebrating and cherishing the moment instead of always looking ahead. Want to try something but feel too intimidated? Tired of experiencing the same things, day in and day out? What is it that you want?? If today was your last day, what is it that you would do?? All we have is today, Seize the opportunities while you still can and Go for It!!