Monday is here, are you refreshed and relaxed, ready to CHARGE??? I have been using my weekends as serious “go with the flow”, refresh, regroup and prepare my body and mind for the upcoming week and it has been working out well. I don’t go too crazy on the weekends and then come Monday, I am ready to go. I use my weekends as more active recovery days and then definitely recovered come Monday and ready to get back on it! Always great to change up your plan for a fresh mentality and structure… It has been working for me so until it is time to change things up again, I am going with it! 😉
So October is here and with Halloween and pumpkins on my mind… I have been wondering about this pumpkin shortage we had last year!! Wondering if it was going to continue this year or when we are going to be able to go out and grab our cans of pumpkin puree again!! I miss my pumpkin! Miss my pumpkin muffins, pumpkin loafs, pumpkin shakes, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin oats, etc. The list goes on and on of how to use this amazing vegetable that is full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Not only is it soooo yummy but it is so good for you, loaded with vitamin A and antioxidant carotenoids, vitamins C, K, and E, and lots of minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and iron.
With a half a cup of canned pumpkin has 6.5 grams of effective carbohydrate and 3.5 grams of fiber, you can’t beat that can you!!!
So what is the deal, can we get our pumpkin purees this season….? I found the answer and was so excited when I read that YES, pumpkins are back and there is not that shortage anymore!! Bring on the pumpkins landies! The nearly yearlong shortage of the canned stuff is over. After the heavy rains that ruined last year’s harvest and caused the shortage, this year they are back!!! Could you imagine a holiday season without pumpkins!!??
The problem was that people caught on to their goodness and they became popular in the kitchen year round!! Its richness in nutrients has given it a reputation as a “super-food,” and people use it year-round in breads, muffins and other recipes. It is even used as a digestive aid for animals so no wonder all the pumpkin was used up!!! It is a super-food and everyone want to get their hands on it! Looks like the harvest is almost done and so far the weather has allowed for pumpkins so let’s keep our fingers crossed!! The minute I see it back on the shelves I will let everyone know so we can have our pumpkin and eat it too!!!

On another note… Here is my Thought of the day:
My quote of the day reflects this thought… Who are you competing against? So many of us are competitive, it is in our nature! That is totally fine and what makes us continually better ourselves. Competition is one thing that keeps us digging and moving forward but the question is who are you competing against! Competition has two sides to the coin, it can make you a better/improved person or it can tear you apart.
The best form of motivation is to look at nobody but yourself in terms of competition. You can only compare yourself to YOU. If you hold yourself to the standards of others, you are running the risk of doing something for the wrong reasons. You cannot compare yourself to others. You may see it as a motivating factor but the best motivating factor is to be better, mentally and physically stronger and set your own personal goals!! You select the end goal and result that you want and then it’s up to you–and only you–to work for those goals. You are the only one in control of yourself so comparing yourself to someone else is energy directed in the wrong direction. You have no control over others habits, decisions, etc. Everyone has their own unique story and journey. Focus all your energy and intentions on YOU and how you can compare yourself against you. Unnecessary competition is only going to diminish your energy towards your true focus which is YOU. Push yourself towards your own personal goals and greatness! Others can’t compare to you just like you can’t compare to them, focus on YOU and compete against nobody but yourself!!!
This week focus on making yourself better than you were yesterday and stronger than you were last week.
Taking on our own personal challenges this week…