Good Morning, Some of you are off due to the holiday and others working regardless but either way, Happy Columbus Day! Hope everyone had a great weekend and for those in Canada, it is my understanding you celebrated the Canadian Thanksgiving!!! Hope it was a great celebration and you enjoyed some delicious Turkey! πŸ™‚ My weekend was busy and great! Yesterday met with a group of ladies, mostly those for our family (Jess, Sarah, Nikee, Jewels, Cynthia) and another beautiful bikini superstar, Kristen, for some presentation. They were working it and look amazing. I will post a quick preview of their practice and how great the girls are doing later today!!! Spent the rest of the day working for a few hours and then enjoyed a nice evening with a nice BBQ with M. Great day and weekend to say the least!! Last night something happened that I would consider to be a girls worst nightmare…

Oh yes, so excited for my nightly treat and I guess I was too excited my Nuttzo took a plunge!! Oh yes, Nuttzo and Shattered glass all over the floor!! πŸ™ Big bummer and no more Nuttzo in the cupboards or fridge but where there is a will and a girl wanting her nut butter, there is a way…
added 1/2 packet Justin’s Almond Butter, 2 tbsp Better than Peanut Butter and 2 tbsp Chia seed and had myself a modified Nuttzo treat!! It wasn’t the same but it did the job and was a great treat πŸ™‚

Thoughts of the day and a few things to think about as we begin our week:
-Forget about the past.
-Expect the best.
-Condition the mind with only positive thoughts!
-Build your destiny because only only because YOU want it.
-Persistence = personal change.
-keep your eyes fixed on your destination.
-Spend time to reflect on your day.
-What you visualize, you get.
-Run your own race.
-Never judge your self worth by somebody else’s.
-There are no setbacks – only lessons.
-The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.
-Find out what you truly love to do, and direct all energy towards it
-The purpose of life is to find a purpose.
-Clearly defined priorities and goals for every aspect is the key to accomplishing them.
-Have the discipline and vision to see your where you are going.
-Never do anything because you have to, do it only if you want to and if that is the right thing for you to do
-Form a clear mental picture, set a deadline, put it on paper, and go for it.
-Focus on “Kaizen” – constant and never ending enrichment of mind, body and soul.
-The only limits on your life are the ones you set yourself
-Failure is your friend, it determines your success!
-Do the things you fear
-Live simply!
-Live with discipline.
-Live with Passion.
-Focus on priorities and maintain balance.
-The quality of your life = the quality of your contribution
-Life does not always give you what you want, but it always gives you what you need
-Stop putting off your happiness for the sake of achievement
Enjoy your Monday!! xoxo