good morning! This weekend is coming up quick and tomorrow I have to get things ready to go as I head up to LA for the Muscle Contest Show. Sounds like a few of you will be there and we have Kaysie stepping on stage, again this weekend. Looking forward to seeing all of you! 🙂 I will be judging and Co- MC’ing the show.  this weekend is also the first USA IFBB Pro bikini competition so it will be interesting which direction they decide to go… hmmmmm
So yesterday we ran to Costco for our typical groceries.  I have been out of my green beans for a few days now and been having big salads without my typical green beans.  So been missing and craving my beans, yes sure have!!  So with a busy day yesterday, thought about bypassing the trip to costco and saving it for today but NO had to go and get my beans… So we went, around 6 p.m. strolling through the aisles turned down the refrigerator veggie section to find NO GREEN BEANS!!! ahhhhhh what a bummer… just my luck the delivery truck was late and they were out.  Is everyone onto my green bean kick?  Have I started a trend?? lol
Anyways It was kind of funny because Michael said, with a smile, “ouhhh oh, babe, what are you going to do” ?? It was funny, as if it was something my life depended on. Anyways, I opt for the fresh french green beans (more expensive but hey, a girl has to splurge here and there).  It ended up working out int he end because I made the stir fry with Erin’s suggestion of the Chili Garlic paste last night and it was delicious!  I thought you would get a kick out of my little green bean story (or nightmare).  Too funny…
So girls have it much harder than the guys when trying to change their madden name to their married name.  It has been like a second job, trying to get things switched over and the process to do so. So far, nothing much can be done because we are waiting on our Marriage License.  From there it is a trip to the Social Security office, DMV and then the phone calls and paper work making changes begin. Think about all the places you have your name and all the name changes you have to do! Crazy… Just little by little is what I am telling myself.  The biggies are the bank, credit cards, insurance, etc. but the other things can take their jolly ol time.  Any married ladies have input on things I may be missing …??
We went to the bank to make a few changes but was unable to without the license so there are things on hold, for now… Now, once we do get the license, it is going to be a patter of putting aside some serious time to wait in that social security line and dmv craziness! Sometimes you wonder why things just couldn’t be a little bit easier. Oh well, you get married once and that is just part of the happy go lucky process of becoming ONE 😉
off to walk Bruno before starting my day.  I will be in touch shortly.
Have a great start of your beautiful Thursday!