Good Morning everyone!! It is Thursday and the weekend is already here! I am so happy to see everyone posting in the forum and hopefully more people will take advantage of it and get involved… I have posted a new bean recipe and article! I have also started a article section, in the forum, for questions that may be asked in the article or comments/questions you have on the article. Hope everyone is getting use to the site and taking advantage of all components!
FYI– have you noticed the free download for members!! Check out the Fed to Be Wed Diet. Yes, this is tailored for a bride to get into the best shape of their life, for their wedding day. 50 days to a better, firmer, sexier body, but you can utilize the diet for yourself, getting into better shape in 50 days. Hey that puts us right around the holidays so what perfect timing! I have helped several brides prepare for their wedding day and have had lots of great feedback and results from the Fed To Be Wed In 50 Days. All PDF’s are a part of Fit:50 that I have branded. All PDF’s will be available FREE to members and forsale in my Pro Shop so take advantage of them. In the Fed to Be Wed you will see tips we all can use… From food lists, spelled out diet, tips, and much more… Let me know what you think!
I am off to the bay to start my day. Bruno and I are headed out for a walk before I meet M at the gym for some shoulder training. Yesterday I got in my walk in the a.m. and ran 2 miles later in the a.m. in combo with an upper body circuit training and some heavy butt blasters! I am feeling great, getting back into the swing of things and back on track after my getaway!
Have a fabulous day and post away!