Today is going to be a great day and I think you will all agree!! Not only is it Friday but it is National Nut Day!! Not joking, October 22nd is National Nut day!!! For some people December 25th is their favorite holiday and for others, it is October 22nd! ๐Ÿ™‚

Today, be a nut, eat a nut and do nut feel guilt about it! Celebrate the holiday, as it only comes once a year… Eating nuts should be a part of your everyday nutritional program! Yes, they are high in calories and there is that potential to go overboard since they are so darn good but moderation is key! They are so good for you and such a perfect convenient snack!
-Walnuts, cashews, almonds, pecans and peanuts can help clear your mind and help you think clearer, and help balance your moods!
-Walnuts contain omega 6 fatty acids, omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, and are high in protein.
-Having essential fatty acids in your diet can help promote healthy, younger looking skin, healthy hair, help your adrenal, and thyroid function, help you lose weight, and so much more…
-Pecans, peanuts, almonds and cashews contain a high amount of magnesium, which can help to open the blood vessels in your brain and your body. Almonds are also high in riboflavin which can help improve your memory. Pecans and peanuts contain choline, which helps brain function, development and memory.
-Nuts can lower both total cholesterol!
Once you open a can or container of nuts, it is best to keep them in the refrigerator to help preserve them. If you have nuts that are still in their shells, they can be kept in a dry location for a few months. (you want to keep the nuts from going bad)
-Peanuts are not really nuts. They are Legumes, a member of the “Pea” family.
-The center of seeds, like pumpkins and squash, is called a “nut”.
We all have our favorite treat!! Whether it be Nuts, Nut Butter, Chocolate, Cheese, whatever it may be, that is okay! Don’t label these favorite treats as “forbidden” because then you are setting yourself up for disaster…. don’t forbidden foods just sound more appealing!
You have to find that balance between self-denial and self-indulgence. Denying yourself little pleasures such as your favorite treat, whatever it may be, will only make you feel deprived, frustrated, and wanting it more! A temptation is a lot less powerful if it isn’t totally forbidden. This is where moderation is where it’s at.
Remember No foods are BAD or off limits! It is a matter of being smart with your choices, serving sizes and knowing that You absolutely CAN have that little treat but do you really want it??
Today is National Nut Day, enjoy your favorite nut/nut butter and celebrate the amazing flavor, texture, and health benefits of the delicious nut!
So many ways to eat nuts… here are a few… What are your favorite was to eat a nut?
10 ways to eat a nut
-in oatmeal
-in cookies
-by themselves
-ground into nut butter and spread over a piece of toast
-ground into nut butter and simply spooning out for a quick piece of heaven
-spread over celery
-in a salad
-in pesto ๐Ÿ™‚
-spread over a protein pancake
-made into a peanut sauce to dip our wraps in….
so many more ways to eat a nut/nut butter, add to the list:)
Enjoy the holiday just be smart and don’t go to Nuttzo!!! It is going to be a Great Day! ๐Ÿ™‚
happy Friday
until later… xo