Concentration is the ability to think of absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.
What are your goals for this week, taking it one week at a time, remember to list out your goals for the week and keep referring to them with each day, ensuring that you are making decisions that are bringing you closer to your goals. Concentrate on what it is you want. Before your week begins and you cannot stop your mind from constant distractions, take a moment to concentrate on one task, coming up with your weekly goals! Simply spend a few moments quietly gathering yourself before your week begins and you start tackling your goals. Just like Sunday is our day to prepare our foods, Monday is a day to clear our minds and prepare for the week.
Remember that starting your week doesn’t have to be overwhelming. When you have all the proper tools to keep yourself motivated things will just flow. Once you’ve committed to your goals and getting in the best shape of your life, there are a few pointers that will keep you going and also a few things you should avoid…
* Take your moment to evaluate your goals but don’t just think about them, write them down!
* Start with the end in mind! Remember to always know what you are aiming at and work backwards on how you are going to get there!
* Consider where you currently are, mentally and physically before coming up with your goals so you can ensure you are being realistic!!
* I know you are motivated, hey it is Monday and a new week! Remember not to overdo it the first few days of the week so you get burned out, as the week continues. Don’t be that person who starts the marathon full force and then by the end they are out of steam and actually reach the finish line last. Allow your motivation and steam to last the entire week, pace yourself and remember more is NOT always better!!
* Focus on change, try something new with your workout routine to keep things fresh and exciting!!
* Remember to keep your healthy snacks with you at all times so you aren’t tempted by the high calorie and fat convenience foods.
*Practice Patience and positive thinking! You CAN do it!!
* Never Over-train. Your body needs time to recover in between workouts. –Remember that Marathon analogy, don’t over do it!
* Never Bypass valuable sleep. Sleep is part of our plan!!
* Don’t Set unrealistic goals, only setting yourself up for disappointment.
* Please Don’t Compare your successes to others!!!!! Everyone is so different, and what works for some may not work for others. You can absolutely NOT compare yourself to others!!!
* Never Never Give up.
* Forget to pat yourself on the back for all you have done and how hard you are working!
Let’s go after this! Monday, take a moment to reflect, and plan out your week. You planned your meals, they are prepared and ready to go, now Monday, prepare yourself mentally! Where are you going and how are you going to get there? One week at a time!!
Happy Monday Team!
Until later, let’s get this week started! xoxo