What a day! Felt great and had great energy but unfortunately I spent 3 hours at the dentist getting a root canal & crown! No Fun! You may ask, “Can you get dental work when you are pregnant?” Typically you shouldn’t, if it can be avoided, unless you absolutely have to. If you have to, with a doctors consent, you can. As you can see, when you dentist knows, they take every precaution necessary, layering you with lead coats, 3 to be exact.
I am glad it is done and out of the way, even though it was a long morning. Because of the time spent in the doctors, I took today as a complete off day, no training, no cardio, no swimming. I had a little bit of aching after my numbing wore off but now am feeling back to normal. I had a “carb up day” since that is really all I could stomach and what felt soothing to my sore mouth.

Here is my rundown for today…
Meal #1: 6 egg whites and 1/4 cup wheat bran with 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/2 cup mixed berries
Meal #2: Quest Bar with an apple
Meal #3: Mixed Beans Over Sautéed green beans
Meal #4: 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/4 cup wheat bran with 1 protein shake
Meal #5: Same as Meal 4 but added protein powder to oatmeal with 1 tbsp chia seed (may not look so good but it was delicious!)
Meal #6: sautéed green beans with green and purple onions
Until tomorrow!! night night ~ xoxo Gina