Good Morning everyone. I am typing and listening to the rain pour down. The forecast said Rain today but I hardly believed it. Yes, like always, they were right and the rain is here yet again. Suppose to only be here for today and then again next Monday, before stopping for a while, I hope! We have had the weirdest weather this winter/early spring! Hope everyone had a great weekend and either did something fun or had some time to relax~!
So Yesterday I got my Yoga in for the week. Yes, after re evaluating my goals for the year and things I had set up for 2010, I planned on revisiting my weekly Yoga classes and Yes, CHECK on both week 1 and week 2. I enjoyed the class. This one was not as hot as last weeks but till 96 degrees. The practice was a bit faster than the last one I took but an excellent teach so it made the class floe well. Just like someone had asked about The Bar Method Style of Training, Yoga is a great supplement to your program. Even if you are trying to gain muscle, it is a great way to keep your body limber, flexible, long and lean. To me that is the best combination of fitness, having dense beautiful shape and muscle tone yet long and lean muscles so they flow and are not bulky. When you train train train and focus on building, your muscles can tend to get bound up and it is important through stretching and lengthening to make sure things stay fluid, lose and not all bound up. Another supplement to any program should be deep tissue message, to break up all and any scare tissue from lifting. A combination of a yoga/pilates/bar methods with strength training, cardio and regular message is a perfect combo, in my book. I prefer yoga because it not only helps your body but your mind and works on cleansing, balancing and helping you release any outside tension we may be holding onto internally. With my physique I am also, looking to continue to elongate my muscles and actually decrease my overall size. With this being said, I have started to incorporate more yoga into my training routine. I am loving the way it is making me feel, mentally and physically. We live in such a go go go world that it is important to be able to let go and learn how the breath can be so powerful in allowing us to release and let go of all that extra “stuff”!
On another note, I know we have been mentioning our “snack size” finds and interestingly enough, many companies are coming out with their own version of these “snack size”/ 100 calorie options. Everyone is jumping on the wagon! Seems like over the past few years, here in the US, things have gotten EXTREME. Everything from the size of cars we drive, amount of money we put on our credit cards, portion sizes, people’s sizes, everything is bigger and more, more more…. Seems like now Restaurant Companies are trying to change this reality and offer smaller or “mini ” portions sizes. here are a few restaurants that have come out with their version…
Dairy Queen —-Mini Blizzards (Coming in August)
Pinkberry —-cones and mini cups, each of which will hold a 3-oz. serving of fro yo.
Mini Meals at McDonald’s—- Each Mini Meal includes a Snack Wrap, McChicken sandwich, or Double Cheeseburger with a small order of fries and a small drink (which can be swapped out for Apple Dippers and a bottle of water at no additional cost).
miniature desserts offered —-Chili’s Sweet Shots, Applebee’s Dessert Shooters, P.F. Chang’s
Now even though they are “mimi” versions, doesn’t mean they are heart and fitness friendly but at least companies and restaurants are trying.
In our case, we have found several options that are heart and fitness friendly so at least there is something for everyone. We will stick to our almond, nut butter, thin crisps and other snack packs but at least America is seeing the light and starting to downsize… I hope!
So Yesterday I took the day off from training since I did Yoga. I have allowed my body some rest from the cardio, besides walking Bruno, and it has felt good. My knee started acting up, as I mentioned and I immediately wanted to tone things down for a few days.
Yesterday I made a delicious Crock pot Chicken soup for dinner and it was amazingly delicious! I used the Kelp Noodles and I will say that is my favorite way to use them, so far. I have decided I like them hot. When they are hot and cooked, they are more like real noodles or pasta, rather than when you put them directly from package into a salad cold. I like them both ways but prefer them cooked. I will post the recipe in the recipe section for you all to try. I have a ton left over. Perfect meal for this rainy weather!
Have a great Monday and let’s conquer this week, yet again.