Happy Monday! Things are going great and I had a very productive yet relaxing weekend! We have made quite a bit of headway on the nursery… So excited and things are becoming more and more real!
As you can see we are just about done. Just need to add his name above the crib, add pictures, as we go and get our glider (rocking chair) from my mom to add in the corner (left of the crib). It is all so exciting and the “nesting” has definitely settled in.
I have been doing great with my swims but took today off for a circuit and neighborhood 2.5 mile walk, which I haven’t done in quite some time. Swimming really has been my only source of cardio 😉 Been loving it but I must say, I love it once I get there and then when i’m done. Because it is a little out of my box, it takes a lot of me to get there… The other problem is the pool schedule is a little crazy with the best times mid day or late night. I am aiming to get there earlier in the day, to get it done, otherwise the late nights are challenging.
I am feeling more round and my belly is definitely popping more and more each day. Today I was itchy, hungry and tired so I think that means… growth spurt! 😉
I wasn’t sure if my jeans were still fitting me so I gave it a go and my low rise jeans still fit!
Belly and belly button (lol) are definitely popping. It has been really fun to experience this day to day change and experience. I am still waking up mid morning, seriously this is just a norm now. Last night it was 2:30 and I was up eating meal #1. For those that say you “can’t eat carbs” or eat, for that matter, after a certain time in the p.m., I beg to differ… I am eating meal #1 With Carbs between 2-4 a.m. every morning and not blowing up so I am proof that that is NOT true 😉
Here is my breakdown for today:
Meal #1 2:30 a.m.! 1/2 cup oatmeal, protein shake
Meal #2: 7:30 Quest Bar
Meal #3: 11:30 Nori cabbage wraps with 6 egg whites
Meal #4: 2:00 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup pure pumpkin, protein shake
Meal #5: 5:00 Quest Bar
Meal #6: 8:00 Zucchini & grilled Chicken
Meal #7: 10:00 no carb pancake 2 egg whites, 1 scoop protein
I did a mini circuit workout this morning and finished the evening with my 3 mile walk! Productive day and ready to hit this week with some energy. My weekend was very productive yet kicked back. I spent a lot of saturday enjoying some needed sleep and was on a cereal kick, lol! Definitely “carbed up on cereal”. I guess you can call that a craving. Usually Sunday is my “lazier” day but I had a group posing session Sunday so had to make up for it and enjoy a “lazy” Saturday. I am definitely enjoying my quite time and time to just do without responsibility of a little one. 13 weeks is right around the corner and I am going to soak in every moment of quite time and time to just do as I please.

This week, I have to make a trip to the lab for my glucose test, which I am NOT looking forward to. Basically drinking PURE sugar and seeing how your body responds. I am not excited about that pure sugar drink. I mean, give me a brownie or something but to drink pure sugar does not sound appetizing and I have heard it is super sweet and not so tasty. All for a reason though so I can do it…
There is my little update for everyone… Thanks for following and I will be in touch!
hugs, Gina