Good morning! I was speaking to our fabulously fit at 40 girlie, Traci, last night, –who by the way is going to be updating us on her journey soon– about sleep. Sleep is SO important and so many of us don’t get enough, including Traci herself. As her journey continues, she is realizing that 4-5 hours of sleep is just not cutting it anymore. Maybe you think you are able to function optimally with less sleep but then suddenly it catches up to you and you realize that all those missed hours of rest add up and it just isn’t working anymore. You are not as productive as you want to be and if you are “productive” you are only being as productive as your tired body will allow. The lack of sleep could be a huge factor and trivial obstacle that may be holding you back. It is so important to replenish your mind and body from a full days events. Think about everything that goes into your day. From waking up to cooking food, preparing your children’s lunches, driving yourself and family to destinations, working, grocery shopping, making decisions, working out, etc. You are constantly on the go, not only physically but mentally. Don’t forget to consider the business of your mind, not only your body!! When you throw your mind into the mix, oh boy, if you are like me, that is its own animal who requires 7-8 hours of sleep alone! 😉 How much sleep did you get last night? I guarantee most of us will be shy of the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep. The proper amount of sleep will fuel your brain, body and soul. Not to mention, is one of the best ways to stay feeling and looking young, research shows! There is a reason why it is called “Beauty Sleep” after all! If you are shy an hour or two, you amy think it doesn’t matter or you can “make it up” but the reality is, it does matter and all those missed minutes, hours of sleep do add up and can come back and bite you in the rear end. If you are feeling tired, fatigued or even a bit foggy, you may not be getting enough sleep! Be conscious of your sleeping patterns and if you need to make some adjustments to your schedule to increase your sleep time, you need to consider actions to take today. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? What can you do tonight to increase your sleep time to reach the daily recommended 7-8 hours?