Killer Core Circuit

Working the Core is So important. We are all looking for ways to exercise our core not only to help build abdominal strength but to improve the overall look of our tummy! Building abdominal strength and density allows your ab blocks to more easily shine through, when...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: 20 single kettle bell dead lift with opposite leg raise 20 side lateral raise 20 kettle bell 1-arm rows 10 kettle bell bicep curls Rest and Repeat 3x…. Move onto Part 2 (ab circuit) Part 2 (ab circuit) 1 minute 1/2 bicycle crunches 20...

Ab Exercises

Need a change to your ab workout?! Give some of these a try! Here is an awesome belly blasting circuit that reveals some of my favorite core exercises!!