Get Creative with your Workouts

Get creative with your workouts. Don’t have a Kettlebell or Dumbbell, find a chair, use a gallon of water or grab your baby and do what you have to do 😉 No gym is necessary to reach your goals and stay on track! As you dig into our Challenge, do whatever you...

Tips for working out at Home

As most of you know, ALL of my workouts are done in the comfort of my own home (garage) or outside at the beach or park. With my busy life as a full time working mom, I have found home workouts to work best for me, during this time of my life. With very limited time,...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day -10 push ups with opposite knee to elbow -30 seconds plank crossover “mountain climbers” -10 side plank knee to elbow -10 alternating arm extensions in reverse crab -15 reverse crab tricep dips with knee crossed over Rest and...