Personal Agreement To a New You

We are such firm believers in goal setting, knowing what you want, putting your desires and needs out there, and re-evaluating them from time to time! Make an agreement to yourself. Take a moment to think about your goals, long term and short term, and how you are...

Change in 2010, Believe it

Year after year we go through the same routine of closing out one year and bringing in a New Year. We wipe the slate clean and start the New Year with a fresh outlook. Why is it that it takes a new year to often clear out plates and start fresh? I am speaking for...


Think big for 2010. Start thinking about your goals but be sure they are Realistic and Specific!! Make sure it is SMART (see below) S = Specific– Goals need to be straightforward, definitive and you need to know what you want so you can focus on how we are going...