Get Creative with your Workouts

Get creative with your workouts. Don’t have a Kettlebell or Dumbbell, find a chair, use a gallon of water or grab your baby and do what you have to do 😉 No gym is necessary to reach your goals and stay on track! As you dig into our Challenge, do whatever you...

Tips for working out at Home

As most of you know, ALL of my workouts are done in the comfort of my own home (garage) or outside at the beach or park. With my busy life as a full time working mom, I have found home workouts to work best for me, during this time of my life. With very limited time,...

Glute & Ab Circuit Workout

Whether you workout at home or in the gym, check out this awesome ab and glute circuit workout that requires very minimal equipment and time.  Target both your belly and backside with only an exercise ball and your own body weight. Give this one a try and let me know...

Killer Core Circuit

Working the Core is So important. We are all looking for ways to exercise our core not only to help build abdominal strength but to improve the overall look of our tummy! Building abdominal strength and density allows your ab blocks to more easily shine through, when...