Hope everyone had a great day! I am just about to finish up the night with some asparagus and a shake… I am starving! I had a lower carb day and higher fats today with my diet as follows:
1/3 c. oats, 1 scoop protein shake
3 oz orange roughy, 1 rice cake with 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 perfect foods bar
Same as meal 2
4 oz chicken and big salad with 1 tbsp olive oil and vinegar
6 egg whites with veggies
protein shake with asparagus and 15 almonds
I got a lot done today.  On the phone with Wells Fargo for about an hour getting some things taken care of.  You know how it is, you have things on your list that you keep avoiding because they are going to take time and most likely lots of time on hold so you just keep shuffling it down the list until finally you just get to it and now, check it off the list.  Anyways, got a lot accomplished and my list now has all check marks! wahooo…
Today was my off day from training but I decided to do a 15 minute circuit after a 20 minute fast walk and 1 mile jog.  I did 6 variations for shoulders followed by 2 exercises for biceps.
-regular shoulder press
-single press
-side lateral raise
-front raise
-back to the press super set with single dumbbell shoulder press
-arnold presses
-seated bicep curls
-standing hammer curls
I am headed off to bed now. I have a busy day tomorrow as I prepare to head out to LA for the NPC Muscle contest show that is being held in Culver City on Saturday! Tomorrow I have to pack and cook all my food for the road!
Check out Member/client/Friend/ Brianne Shaw on Muscular Development MD’s radio show at the following link:
http://www.musculardevelopment.com/md-radio.html —- click on the Ronnie Coleman show and press play.  Scroll to about 50 minutes into the show to hear Brianne! Great job Brianne on being on the show! great job girlie! excited for your prep! 🙂
Well done!
Until tomorrow, good night!