Good Morning! Got in the zzz’s later than usual but go them in and ready to go this morning. Hope everyone’s day has started on a great foot! As I mentioned, my time is going to be limited on the site today so use today to get caught up on the network and tomorrow we begin a new fresh week!
Among the several things to look forward to, here are a few things coming this week:
TRAINING REAR DELTS VIDEO (tips, exercises and suggestions)
IN THE KITCHEN WITH GINA (cooking a little bit sweeter this week)
As a reminder, suggestions and your ideas are always welcome. Is there an exercise you are having trouble with, a recipe you are searching for, a nutrition tip you need help with? Let me be at your finger tips and offer you my suggestions!! 🙂
Today I want you to FEAR LESS and LIVE MORE! I know several of you are embarking upon a new journey, taking huge leaps of faith, as you begin a new fitness program. Any change is scary and just know that you are not alone. Do Not Fear Change and do not Fear failure. Fear often makes people either not try or stop trying. If you have been someone who feels like you have tried and tried and are not obtaining the results you desire, you may feel like what is the use trying and putting in the effort!? You might feel like there is no need to try something because you are afraid of “failing” or disappointing yourself! Try to begin a new program without fear and for once, let go of your fear of failure! Remember, there is NO such thing as failure. Your journey thus far as brought you to this point. You have learned so much about yourself, what works, what hasn’t worked and most of all, how you want to feel! Replace your fears and doubts with hope and confidence. Starting out a new program with this outlook will give you the foundation you need to build your success upon. We need to start with a positive outlook and the belief in yourself that you CAN do it and it is just a matter of time. Believe, ladies, believe and let go of that fear that gets us nowhere. Fear LESS and Life More. We all like challenges, actually that is what keep most of us going…. Replace your fear with the opportunity to take on a new challenge and continue learning! Live in the moment. Soak in the new changes you are making to not only you physically but to your mental state. Start every morning with a powerful positive thought and carry that one thought with you throughout the day! Think of yourself as a typewriter and any negative or fearful thought that comes through your head, remove it… Erase it and replace it with that initial positive thought you are focusing on for the day! We can live our lives fearing the world or we can take a hold of our lives and Live without Fear! The choice is yours! today, Fearless and Live more!!
“Being Brave and becoming fearless encourages independent thought. I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that wont work.” ~Thomas Edison
Enjoy your Sunday!!