There is nothing like waking up roaring to go, wanting to share the energy with everyone and then the computer fails and there is no connection… Big bummer but nothing is going to get in the way of sending out the positive energy your way, even if it is a bit later than our usual daily post 😉 Hope everyone’s day is off to a great start! Energy is flying and the weather is a touch warmer so it is a great day!! It is amazing how having our health makes all the difference in the world! We don’t realize it when we are healthy but when we are under the weather you realize how without your health, we have nothing! It is so important to stay healthy, during this holiday season. If you feel any sort of bug coming on, REST REST REST! As you are striving to lose those few unwanted pounds, at the end of the day be appreciate for your health! It is so important to never take it for granted!!
Everybody has their own way of rising up to a task and taking on a challenge. It may be pressure, something someone says, a sudden enlightened moment, simply waking up and seeing the light, seeing someone’s success… no matter what it is that motivates you and causes you to step up to the plate and face your challenge, embrace the moment and make things happen. If that “moment” has not come yet, it will! Be patient and keep digging deep and sooner than later, your ahhhha moment will come and you will take on your challenge head on! We all have goals to reach and differences to make but what motivates us to reach those goals varies. It is about that one moment where things just click and suddenly there is no turning back! If things have clicked and you are on your way, embrace your journey! If that moment has not come yet, keep doing what you are doing and believe that it is not far away. Your time is coming!
Keep digging deep and believing in yourself!